Sunday, May 17, 2020

Should Marijuana Be Legalized - 1723 Words

In today s world, people are very one-sided on the issues of smoking. There are many types of things that you can smoke but marijuana and cigarettes seem to be the most controversial. Countless amounts of people are against smoking in general, smoking cigarettes, and/or smoking marijuana. Because of the certain setbacks and outlooks on these smoking impacts, the economy adjusts with consumers and non-consumers of both substances. The economy is mainly determined on the types of consumer behavior and responses towards certain laws and events that go on in the world, including smoking cigarettes and marijuana. The government also plays a role in this use because it officially made cigarettes legal for adults and also gave each state the†¦show more content†¦Even though the State has passed the approval of the drug, the federal government still does not approve. Of course, when it comes to the federal government most issues, like marijuana, are very controversial and arguable. While some people in the government believe that growing and selling marijuana could benefit the economy, others disagree. The purpose of intervening was not to pick on only the shops, but to start the replacement of marijuana prohibition with a taxation system. Seeing the success that they were having and all the money they were churning in, the government felt like it was perfect timing to implement the tax rule. Primary costs occur when prohibition was â€Å"replaced with a system of legal and regulation† (Friedman), leading to the secondary cost saving 7.7 billion in government funds. The funds given back to the state can then be used to help build playgrounds, buildings, etc. Now imagine the price if every state approved the use of marijuana. An example of primary benefit would be â€Å"legalization would provide top-down economic improvements in local communities, state coffers, and more† (Smith). The nation would save regional and state governments huge amounts of money that is currently wasted law enforcement dollars representing a secondary benefit. Legalizing on a federal level wo uld produce economic benefits for the U.S. in billions. â€Å"Replacing

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