Thursday, November 28, 2019

The 8th Amendment Talks About Freedom Of Speech And Freedom Of Living

The 8th Amendment talks about freedom of speech and freedom of living life. It is not true for everyone to live his/her life by his/her choice. When one ask someone, he/she will tell that they are in favor of equal rights for homosexuals. They will all say that gay should have the same rights in housing, jobs, and public accommodations and they should have equal access to government benefits and equal protection of the law. When someone ask them about gay marriage, all this talk of equality stops dead cold. Nearly three people in four in the U.S. oppose gay marriage, almost the same proportion as are otherwise supportive of gay rights. Additionally, many people continue to believe that homosexuality is about nothing but sex, considering it to be merely a sexual perversion. The reality is that homosexuality is multidimensional, and is much more about love and affection than it is about sex. And this is what gay relationships are based on: mutual attraction, love and affection and sex. Homosexual people should be allowed to marry. Usually, people think marriage is an institution between one man and one woman. Well, that is the most often heard argument, one even codified in a recently passed U.S federal law. It seems that if the straight community cannot show a compelling reason to deny the institution of marriage to gay people, it should not be denied. The concept of not denying people, their rights unless people can show a compelling reason to do so is the very basis of the American ideal of human rights. The second argument about same-sex marriage is that same-sex couples are not the optimum environments in which to raise children. Society allows murderers, convicted felons all sorts; even child molesters get married and bring children. The fact is that many gay couples raise children, adopted and occasionally their own from failed attempts at heterosexual marriages. Lots and lots of scientific studies have shown that the outcomes of the children raised in the homes of gay and lesbian couples are just as good as those of straight couples. (Questions and Answer about our marriage). Psychologists tell us that what makes the difference is the love of the parents, not their gender. Gay people are as capable of loving children as fully as anyone's is. Gay men wish to have children for all the reasons that anyone else wants to become parents. Some want to share their loving relationship and affluence with a child who would not otherwise have experienced this privilege. Some wish to give to another generation the love and the blessings of a nurturing and devoted family that they experienced in their own upbringing, and still others wish to provide a child with the kind of loving environment that they themselves never received. Some people argue about the immigration policy. Heterosexual persons have right to marry foreigners and live with their love one. If person is homosexual, he can not marry a same-sex partner from another county (Action Alert). No matter how long the couple has been together or how committed their relationship. It means that many same-sex national couples must live apart for long period of time, perhaps years or decades, until the foreign partner finds some other way to get a green card. The common argument is about the gay relationships are immoral. The freedom of religion implied the right to freedom from religion as well. The Bible has absolutely no standing in American law, and because it doesn't, no one has the right to impose rules anyone else simply because of something they perceive to be mandated by the Bible. There should be a moot point, Separation of church and state. Some religious leaders are the most forceful advocates of same-sex marriage. In Hawaii alone, many faiths such as the Reform branches of Judaism, Quaker, Buddhist, Episcopal and many individual Protestant Congregations are involved in the pro-marriage campaign (Rotello 16). On the opposite side of the coin, there are many faiths that condemn gay marriage. They feel that these people defy the Bible. Ultimately, the battle may not be so much about winning the right of marriage as about winning new level of respect for gay relationship. The Gay marriages

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Wichcraft and Heresy essays

Wichcraft and Heresy essays The Growing Association of Witchcraft with Heresy During the Middle Ages the concept of the witch was developing. During ancient times, there had existed an image of the sorcery, but the traditional typology of the witch did not exist. The development of this typology dealt with many aspects of the witch. There was the growing association between witchcraft and heresy. The practices that came to be viewed as witchcraft had their foundation in ancient practices. Those ancient practices were not seen as heretical but as folk practices. However, by the 15th century the image of the witch had been vilified. This vilification can bee seen in the conception of the witches sabbath. Early writers did not believe in witchcraft. When Augustine writes of witchcraft in his On Christian Teachings, he talks about witchcraft in terms of superstitions. He counsels Christians to reject and avoid the specialist in this kind of futile and harmless superstition. Augustines objection is not because he sees them has having any diabolical power but because the practitioners are engaging in unchristian pursuits. He opposes the worship or idols not because of the power of the idol but because it is worshiped to in a manner due only to god. Augustine does not call witches heretics and does not believe they have any powers. Yet, in 426, he is introducing the ideal that Christians should not associate with people who practice magic. This ideal presumes that the practitioners of magic are not Christian and are doing something wrong. Regino of Prm makes a bolder statement on the connection between witchcraft and heresy. He quotes the apostle when directing bishops on how to deal with people engaged in sortilegium and maleficium, Avoid the man that is a heretic... Thus in 906 the practice of witchcraft is established as heretical. Even the distinction of being heretical does not lead to belief in the pr...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Modern Breakthrough Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Modern Breakthrough - Essay Example Harvey's idea change the way in which science and medicine were done. As a result, Harvey was considered to be one of the pioneers of the scientific revolution. His discovery of the circulation of the blood is directly related to how science is viewed today. His theory on the circulation of the blood redefined science and made his methods a modern breakthrough in the world of anatomy and physiology. Specifically, the movement of the heart and flow of blood can be examined through his persistent observation method, replication of his scientific procedures, circular movement of blood, and innate heart (Shackelford lecture, 2006; Harvey, 1628) The observational method was used to examine the movement of the heart and blood flow in Harvey's scientific experiment. Harvey believe that persistent, careful observation is the most effective way in studying the functions, movement, pulsation, and the performance of the heart. His medical view disproved the medieval scholastic methods of studying medicine due to the fact that medieval scholars relay on ancient texts and outdated inaccuracies about the human body. They sought to understand and gain knowledge through reading and comparing arguments. However, Harvey claimed that hands on experiments are the core essence of knowledge. His medical claims are based on the concept of empiricism, which proposed that direct experience is the beginning of knowledge. He believes that empirical evidence would allow many scientists and students to acquire the same result in any given situation. Harvey's theory proposed that scientific claims are expected to verification through direct experim ent and logical reasoning (Harvey, 1628). His medical theories were considered to be one of the heroes of the Scientific Revolution because his procedures of anatomical dissection and scientific claims are easily replicable. For instance, his claims about ligatures in medical practices allow practitioners to draw blood from human's body. Experimenters can replicate Harvey's procedure and receive the same result by applying specific bandages used in blood-letting to a wide vein in a man's arm. It was recommended that the ligature be made as tight as a person can bear. The vein would appear abnormally swollen as if it was trying to explored and the blood would be little cooler than usual because the blood in the swollen areas has no means of acquiring innate warmth. However, the vein returns to its normal state immediately the bandages were released. This experiment revealed how human can simply suffocate from lack of blood flow and oxygen in the body (Harvey, 1628). Some of Harvey's procedures about how to get the best result can be seen in Hippocratic writings on the importance of having the correct body position during treatment. They believed that individuals who maintained good posture during treatment were able to recover more quickly without experiencing pain. For this reason practitioners were responsible for encouraging their patients to maintain a good posture (Lloyd, 1978). One of the most outstanding statements in Harvey's scientific claims was on the circular movement of blood. This implies that when blood exits the heart that it would return to it starting point. Harvey first considered how much blood enters the heart and the time it takes for blood to return back to its starting point. He believed that individuals' beats and time are important in demonstrating his claims because if a scientist knows how fast

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

There is no topic Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

There is no topic - Essay Example By utility, Bentham meant anything that would produce happiness or pleasure for the majority of people, and anything that would mitigate suffering or pain. According to utilitarianism, everyone likes pleasure and resents pain, and thus this forms a basis for political and moral judgement. As such, the major point of utilitarianism is to weigh the costs against the benefits of any action before undertaking it (Sandel 32). Bentham’s utilitarianism led to a rise of objections, most of which were concentrated on the impact of utilitarianism on the human rights. The first objection is that utilitarianism holds no value for the rights of individuals. It is argued that this approach cares about the total benefit of individuals in a given situation. It is, therefore, likely to overlook the rights of individuals that could be stamped upon to ensure pleasure for the others. The second objection against utilitarianism is that it assumes that all moral goods can be translated into one sin gle currency. In this case, it means that something is lost in the translation as the definitions of good vary across societies and perceptions (Sandel 32). The issue of economic inequality has been in the limelight in the U.S. with the country’s wealth being in the hands of a few individuals while a majority of the population living from hand to mouth (Sandel 58). The debate goes as far as to the Congress where some believe that the rich should be taxed to offer equal opportunities for economic growth for the poor. However, others believe that such favour taxation is not necessary given that the rich used legal and appropriate methods to acquire their wealth. From the utilitarianism point of view, seems a good idea as it increases the utility of the larger population who are to benefit from the taxes. As such, the taxes imposed on the rich may not affect them as they form a minute fraction of their wealth. However, there are

Monday, November 18, 2019

Vancouver Communication Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words

Vancouver Communication - Essay Example As the report declares VC operates a participative style of management with formality; rules and regulation are kept to a minimum. Company operates on meritocracy with proper polices for career advancement, rewards, and performance appraisal system. Company pursue multi-skilling policy and emphasized on flexibility and skills rather than job descriptions. Now VC commenced the building of new production and distribution facility in Turkey due to low labour cost and to cover markets like Eastern Europe and Middle East. The CEO of the company Mr. Mike Ansell suggesting Helen Reeves, who has been appointed as Head of Turkish operations, that she should pursue the same organizational and people management system and practices which has been successful till now. Another fellow Tony Rossini, head of HR in VC HQ is performing a review to assess the present expatriate management system by conducting e-mail surveys to previous and current expatriates to determine the issues and problems and id entified certain issues. This paper stresses that managers at the beginning of the twenty first century are faced with the reality of globalization. Managers must be conscious that markets, supplies, investors, locations, partners, competitors and so on can exists anywhere in the world. Successful managers in this environment need to understand the similarities and difference across national boundaries in order to exploit the opportunities and deal with the threats. The organizations effectiveness will increase to the extent that managers understand the factors influencing behaivour. An international firms performance is likely to enhanced when systems are in place that are congruent with the various influences that determine behaviours. While it is clearly impossible to understand all of the factors influencing behaviours, national cultures and values appear to be an important starting point. Culture is one of the important factors, which influences immensely. Discussion: "Culture can be referred to a shared, commonly held body of general beliefs and values that define what is right for our group (Kluckhohn and Strodtbeck, 1961: Lane & Distefano, 1988) or to socially elitist concepts including refinement of mind, tastes and manners (Heller, 1988). Different definitions of culture shows that culture is learned, shared, compelling, interrelated set and provides orientation to people. Culture is so fundamental to society that it influences people's behaviours in critical ways. Effective management depends, at least in part, on ensuring that people behave in ways that are appropriate for the organization. So understanding culture is important for managers to achieve desired behaviour and results. Values are useful in explaining and understanding cultural similarities and differences in behaviour; thus understanding values and their cultural basis in helpful to international managers (Punnett, 2004). Values establish the standards by which the importance of everything in society is judged. Similarly needs, attitude and norms decides specific behaviour patterns of individual's or groups.

Friday, November 15, 2019

Cross cultural awareness

Cross cultural awareness Cross Cultural Awareness For The International Manager Successful Cross Cultural Management And The Anticipated Characteristics Of France And Brazil Introduction It has been commented that to minimise or resolve conflicts between different cultures they should first be grouped or categorized to measure their differences (Trompenaar, 2006). The UK scores fairly low in the uncertainty avoidance index, suggesting that people in these cultures are less risk averse and feel relatively secure (French, 2008). In terms of the workplace, this can be reflected in a high employee turnover and managers encouraging risk taking and to expect change (Overby, 2005). When taking Trompenaars dimensions of universal or particular (the extent to which rules are followed regardless of the situation and people involved) into consideration, it may help to explain further where this behaviour or reasoning comes from. Products and services are being offered on a global scale, posing a serious problem when a universalist culture engages in business with a particularist society, where the importance of relationship is ignored. Trans-cultural effectiveness is not only measured by the way one culture values another but also by the ability to reconcile the dilemmas, resolving them promptly, and the extent to which both values are synergised as one (Hemple, 2001). Hemple emphasises upon the importance of such an understanding in the current globalisation era. At present, when companies become global, there is predominantly an inevitable move towards the universalist view (Hemple, 2001). In order to go about such a task, Trompenaars dimension of universal v particular is a helpful tool to signify the importance placed upon relationships and people compared to individual needs (Trompenaars F. H.-T., 1998). Trompenaars Neutral V Affective Trompenaars dimension of neutral v affective describes the extent to which a culture displays emotion, either openly (affective) or in a restrained manner (neutral) (Gooderham, 2003). A cross cultural venture will involve communication between a variety of groups and people. The way in which people communicate is diverse and consequently the manner in which behaviours and actions are inter-operated also differs, leaving room for miscommunication. For example, people from a neutral culture may perceive displays of emotion in the workplace as unprofessional behaviour whilst the lack of emotions displayed by those from a neutral culture may be perceived as deceitful behaviour from the affective cultures point of view (Snodgrass, 2002). With the display of emotions in affective cultures, it maybe that communication is not just seen as a verbal exchange, rather, value is placed upon gestures. Although, minimal or indirect speech is made; facial expressions, actions, and body language may prove to be more influential than words. Without the knowledge of such cultures and their practices, there is a possibility of miscommunication. People from a neutral culture may interpret the lack of verbal communication to be impolite, rather than picking up on the meaning behind gestures such as body language. Halls description of high and low context cultures is reminiscent of neutral v affective, but primarily focuses on the communication styles of such cultures, specifically, on how they communicate (French, 2008). Trompenaars Specific V Diffuse This aspect is useful in providing an insight into how employees perceive their position in the workplace. Those from the diffuse culture value their work and do not separate their responsibility in the workplace from their personal life. In fact, both facets of their life are integrated and are an essential element of who they are. Whereas, those from the specific culture clearly separate their work life from their personal life. They deem their work to be a means of acquiring a valuable objective, such as earning an income in order to achieve a better quality of life. The insights obtained from this dimension may explain any variations in commitment over time amongst employees. Although, neither culture is inaccurate in their thinking, it may still present differences that lead to conflict. For example, those of the diffuse culture may feel obligated to stay behind outside their contractual working hours or work during their lunch break in order to complete a task, as opposed to those of the specific culture who may take their full lunch break and sign off at the end of the day upon completion of their contractual working hours. In turn, those of the diffuse culture may feel unappreciated as they might consider themselves to be earnest whilst viewing their colleagues as insincere. As well as giving an insight into employee behaviour, the specific v diffuse dimension can also elaborate on how employees work and how their interaction with colleagues translates into their personal life (Binder, 2007). France France scores highly on Hofstedes uncertainty avoidance index which is reflected in the emphasis placed upon rules in the workplace with managers endorsing rules, regulations and control of employees. Employees in return seek job security and significant benefits such as health insurance and extended holidays (Overby, 2005). This has an impact on the internal work culture in that managers closely supervise and guide their employees and as a result employees often have little autonomy in their job role. This brings about the issue of HRM practices in a cross cultural venture; whereas performance related pay, individual appraisals etc. are common practice in UK organisations they may not be as successful in French organisations where guidance and control are valued as being a sense of security due to low uncertainty avoidance. French employees value team work and to stand out or receive individual recognition from the rest of the team may be seen to demean or show up others in contrast to being seen as individual achievement. This is also related to the customers perception of an organization when buying products/services; they would prefer to build up relationships carefully and to maintain them as opposed to a quick sale (Trompenaars F. H.-T., 1998). However, similarities are apparent between the UK and France in the use of goal setting (in a HRM context) but with an emphasis on joint goal setting as opposed to individual. This demonstrates the indirect effects of uncertainty avoidance, initially it may be thought of as a resistance to change and enhanced caution towards new people and new procedures. However, the way in which work is organised needs to be adjusted in order to get the most out of employees in a mutual context. For example, (Trompenaars F. W., 2001) research highlights an example of the French nature when change is to be implemented into an organisation: â€Å"†¦..The French, in turn, were so much worried about the unions and how to keep their people motivated†¦..When I came back some three months later to check how the implementation was going, I noticed in France and Germany nothing had started yet (Trompenaars F. W., 2001).† This should therefore be something to consider when UK managers communicate, organise and develop people and organisations from different cultures. Not only for a smooth transition but also for the impact it can have on achieving corporate objectives. Inter-Relational Dimensions BIRTISH TENDENCIES FRENCH TENDENCIES Universalism: rules Middle Universalism / Particularism: rules, relationships Individualism: focus on individual Collectivism: focus on group Neutral: reserved with emotions Affective: demonstrative with emotions Specific: distance in relationships Specific: distance in relationships Achievement: doing/merit Middle Ascription / Achievement: being/status, doing/merit (Parsons, 1951) Trompenaars Neutral V Affective Research shows that France has an implicit culture in which communication is often indirect as opposed to being concise and clear as of the explicit culture and communication methods of the UK. The French manner of communication and importance resulting from an affective culture can impact their approach to analysis. It is often the case that these implicit societies will â€Å"think more diffusively or holistically, making decisions more on intuition than on facts and figures. They can often seem indirect and ambiguous (Overby, 2005).† Therefore in the workplace it may be apparent that a high concern is given to the needs of people in and around the organisation and ensuring those needs are being met as a priority over getting the job done and spending time discussing factual impersonal information (Overby, 2005). As a result when UK and French employees and managers are together it will be important to address the issue of emotions; taking into consideration the Frenchs attitude towards uncertainty as well. Suspicion, doubts and caution maybe demonstrated in a highly effective way rather than the culture often found in western organizations such as the UK, where suspicion, doubts and a sense of unease is often only apparent amongst small groups as opposed to sharing these feelings or making them known in a more outward manner. Trompenaars Specific V Diffuse For those in specific cultures such as the UK, clear differences and separation is given in terms of their status and persona portrayed between work and social lives. In contrast diffuse cultures like France withhold the same persona in work and outside of work and believe that their work status plays a significant role in their perceived status in society. This can bring differences in how colleagues interact with each other (if at all) without the confinement of the workplace. Workplace social events or gatherings are commonly viewed in the UK as being an opportunity to really get to know and speak to the real person without the confinements of position, status or duties to influence a persons behaviour or actions. However, in a diffuse culture such an occasion may not be perceived in the same way; such people may find it difficult to speak with or associate with others without giving respect to the status or position they have in the workplace. In this instance diffuse cultures look to the status or position of an individual as a way of dictating who the individual is and thus how others should interact with them. This dimension closely relates to the significance and importance given to status across cultures. As mentioned previously, the UK can distinguish between work and social life and thus a manager in the workplace regardless of achievements, experience and qualifications will not necessarily be given the same respect and admiration outside the workplace. In contrast France (diffuse culture) maintains the same respect and status of that person which can often bring privileges and favours outside the workplace purely from the respect given to their status. For example, those who have graduated from Grande Ecoles (the French elite of universities) go on to hold top positions within organizations and government (Earley, 2002). However, the respect and status awarded to them holds the expectation amongst society that they will ensure the well-being of the community within the organization. Brazil Brazil scores quite high on the uncertainty avoidance index which is indicative of its culture where structural order is sought to reduce uncertainty (Hofstede, 2009). Strict procedures are implemented in order to reduce ambiguity and avoid conflict (Hofstede, 2009). Alternatively, the culture in U.K embraces ambiguity and thrives on conflict. There are flexible structures in place and risks are endorsed without fear of failure. For the British, failure is another step in the way towards success whereas the Brazilian, perceive it negatively. Both perceptions are a reflection of their respective flexible and structured hierarchical societies. Therefore, it is important in Brazil, to avoid confronting one about an issue concerning others and putting them on the spot about an opinion (Trompenaars F. W., 2001). The Brazilian tendency to avoid risk may affect how business is conducted with U.K as both differ severely in this regard and it will be important to consider this as it might aff ect future joint business ventures or trade partnerships. Inter-Relational Dimensions BIRTISH TENDENCIES BRAZILIAN TENDENCIES Universalism: rules Particularism: relationships Individualism: focus on individual Collectivism: focus on group Neutral: reserved with emotions Affective: demonstrative with emotions Specific: distance in relationships Diffuse: involvement in relationships Achievement: doing/merit Ascription: being/status (Parsons, 1951) Trompenaars Neutral V Affective People from affective cultures like Brazil tend to show their emotions, whereas someone from a neutral one like the U.K will appear more reserved and refrain from demonstrating emotions (Trompenaars F. H.-T., 1998). The style of interrelating is different in Brazil as compared to the UK as eye contact, touching, and personal spaces are important to them. Therefore, it is important to consider these interpersonal elements of interaction when engaging in business with the Brazilian since they can build or deter trust, understanding, and likeability of clients. Awareness of these subtle differences can help in avoiding embarrassing situations or offending someone. The Brazilian, have transparency and expressiveness in release of tensions and may seem dramatic in delivery of statements as emotions flow vehemently and without inhibition (Earley, 2002). Its different from the British culture where emotions are concealed and there is a lack of physical contact, gestures, or strong facial ex pressions along with a monotone style of oral delivery. Trompenaars Specific V Diffuse In a diffuse society like Brazil, closeness and confidence between those working together will be more important than a fancy sales presentation of a product or service as might be the case in the U.K. The final decision of signing a deal will reflect the relationship building that has taken place during the negotiation process. This concept of diffuse is exemplified in the treatment of clients arriving in Brazil. According to the video series â€Å"Doing Business in Brazil† (Boulder, 1977), visiting business people are usually picked up in person by a driver or some representative from the company for all appointments and are invited to meals and social events. In the case of the specific relational category reflected in the U.K., clients basically must fend for themselves by taxi and relationships are kept strictly to business. The main point in this video is that in Brazil, the key to doing business is building personal relationships and integrating oneself into the local n etwork. The idea of private versus public space also correlates with the diffuse versus specific context. Trompenaar (Trompenaars F. H.-T., 1998) cites the example of a situation where if a manager or director were to encounter a subordinate in a social context completely separate from work. In a specific-oriented culture like the U.K., the two individuals would be on equal ground, the levels of professional hierarchy less significant. However, in a diffuse- oriented society like Brazil, the hierarchical space and the superiority of the higher rank would permeate more noticeably into every situation, work-related or not (Trompenaar, 2006). Therefore, even in an encounter outside of work, the subordinate must still defer to the authority. Caution must be taken to heed the local system of hierarchy in Brazil when dealing with the social levels and status even though it is less egalitarian than the U.K. It could be offensive to a Brazilian to not respect the social distance between one self and an inferior. Appendices Power Distance Index (PDI) that is the extent to which the less powerful members of organizations and institutions (like the family) accept and expect that power is distributed unequally. This represents inequality (more versus less), but defined from below, not from above. It suggests that a societys level of inequality is endorsed by the followers as much as by the leaders. Power and inequality, of course, are extremely fundamental facts of any society and anybody with some international experience will be aware that all societies are unequal, but some are more unequal than others. Individualism (IDV) on the one side versus its opposite, collectivism, that is the degree to which individuals are integrated into groups. On the individualist side we find societies in which the ties between individuals are loose: everyone is expected to look after him/herself and his/her immediate family. On the collectivist side, we find societies in which people from birth onwards are integrated into strong, cohesive in-groups, often extended families (with uncles, aunts and grandparents) which continue protecting them in exchange for unquestioning loyalty. The word collectivism in this sense has no political meaning: it refers to the group, not to the state. Again, the issue addressed by this dimension is an extremely fundamental one, regarding all societies in the world. Masculinity (MAS) versus its opposite, femininity refers to the distribution of roles between the genders which is another fundamental issue for any society to which a range of solutions are found. The IBM studies revealed that (a) womens values differ less among societies than mens values; (b) mens values from one country to another contain a dimension from very assertive and competitive and maximally different from womens values on the one side, to modest and caring and similar to womens values on the other. The assertive pole has been called masculine and the modest, caring pole feminine. The women in feminine countries have the same modest, caring values as the men; in the masculine countries they are somewhat assertive and competitive, but not as much as the men, so that these countries show a gap between mens values and womens values. Uncertainty Avoidance Index (UAI) deals with a societys tolerance for uncertainty and ambiguity; it ultimately refers to mans search for Truth. It indicates to what extent a culture programs its members to feel either uncomfortable or comfortable in unstructured situations. Unstructured situations are novel, unknown, surprising, and different from usual. Uncertainty avoiding cultures try to minimize the possibility of such situations by strict laws and rules, safety and security measures, and on the philosophical and religious level by a belief in absolute Truth; there can only be one Truth and we have it. People in uncertainty avoiding countries are also more emotional, and motivated by inner nervous energy. The opposite type, uncertainty accepting cultures, are more tolerant of opinions different from what they are used to; they try to have as few rules as possible, and on the philosophical and religious level they are relativist and allow many currents to flow side by side. People within these cultures are more phlegmatic and contemplative, and not expected by their environment to express emotions. Long-Term Orientation (LTO) versus short-term orientation: this fifth dimension was found in a study among students in 23 countries around the world, using a questionnaire designed by Chinese scholars It can be said to deal with Virtue regardless of Truth. Values associated with Long Term Orientation are thrift and perseverance; values associated with Short Term Orientation are respect for tradition, fulfilling social obligations, and protecting ones face. Both the positively and the negatively rated values of this dimension are found in the teachings of Confucius, the most influential Chinese philosopher who lived around 500 B.C.; however, the dimension also applies to countries without a Confucian heritage. Bibliography 1. Binder, J. (2007). Trompenaars dimensions. Retrieved December 16, 2009, from Global Project Management: 2. Boulder, C. (Director). (1977). Doing Business in the Americas-Brazil. [Motion Picture]. 3. Brake, T. a. (1995). Doing Business Internationally: The Guide to Cross-Cultural Success. NewYork: Irwin Professional Publishing. 4. Earley, C. G. (2002). Multinational Work Teams: a new perspective. Erlbaum Associates. 5. (2008). In R. French, Cross Cultural Management in work organisations. (p. 97). London: CIPD. 6. Gooderham, P. N. (2003). International Management Cross Boundary Challenges. Blackwell Publishing, 141. 7. Hemple, P. (2001). Differences between Chinese and Western managerial views of performance. Personnel Review, 30,2. 8. Hofstede, G. (2009). Geert Hofstedeâ„ ¢ Cultural Dimensions. Retrieved December 15, 2009, from ITIM International: 9. Overby, J. (2005). An integrative review of customer value management and national culture: France and the United States. International Journal of Management, 168. 10. Parsons, T. (1951). The Social System. New York: Free Press. 11. Snodgrass, C. S. (2002). Human Factors in Information Systems. IRM Press, 78. 12. Trompenaar, F. (2006). Resolving International Conflict: Culture and Business Strategy. Business Strategy Review, 7(3). 13. (1998). In F. H.-T. Trompenaars, Riding The Waves of Culture. 2nd edition (p. 5). London: Nicholas Bealey Publishing Limited. 14. Trompenaars, F. W. (2001). A new framework for managing change across cultures. Journal of Change Management, 368.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Antonia White :: Authors Literature Story Tellers Essays

Antonia White â€Å"My novels and short stories are mainly about ordinary people who become involved in rather extraordinary situations. I do not mean in sensational adventures but in rather odd and difficult personal relationships largely due to their family background and their incomplete understanding of their own natures.† – Antonia White Antonia White was born in London March 1, 1899 in London under the name Eirine Bottling to parents Cecil and Christine Bottling. (She later took her mothers maiden name, White and Tony was a name she was known by amongst her friends.) Her father was a professor of Greek and Latin at St. Paul’s School. She was baptized a protestant and then converted catholic at age 7 because her father converted to Catholicism. She struggled with religion and did not feel that she fit in with the other catholic children. She did not find faith in the church as a child although she was educated at a catholic school, The Convent of the Sacred Heart, Roehampton. Although she is remember as a modernist writer, she developed a terrible fear of writing after a misunderstanding when she was 15. She had been working on what was going to her first novel. It was to be a present for her father. She wanted to surprise him with a book about wicked people whose lives are changed as they discover religion. She attempted to give a detailed description of the evil characters, but, because of her lack of experience, she was unable to describe their wickedness except to say that they â€Å"Indulged in nameless vices†. This dark story was found unfinished by officials at her catholic school and she was then expelled from the school without being given the opportunity to explain her book. She describes this incident as being her most vivid and tragic memory. â€Å"My superb gift to my father was absolutely my undoing† she remarked in an interview. She did not begin writing novels again until 20 years later, when her father died. After she left school, she attended her father’s school St. Paul’s for the next few years. She attempted to be an actress but was unsuccessful. She then wrote in magazines and worked in advertising where she earned 250 pounds a year advertising Mercolized wax. She spent nine years working as a copy writer in London and she also worked for the BBC as a translator.